제가 쓴 음의 질량 (negative mass) 논문이 물리학자가 쓴 책에 인용되었습니다!


Stumbling Blocks Against Unification

On Some Persistent Misconceptions in Physics

Stumbling Blocks Against Unification - On Some Persistent Misconceptions in Physics By (author) Matej Pavšič




About Historical Misconceptions in Physics

Higher Derivative Theories and Negative Energies

Upon Quantization — Ghosts or Negatives Energies?

Transformations of Spinors

Quantum Fields as Basis Vectors

Brane Space and Branes as Conglomerates of Quantum Fields

Particle Position in Quantum Field Theories

Misconceptions and Confusion About Tachyons

Ordering Ambiguity of Quantum Operators

What Have We Learned?



Readership:Researchers and post graduate students in theoretical and high energy physics.

제가 쓴 논문 3편이, 외국 물리학자가 쓴 책에 인용되었습니다([35],[36],[37]). 논문의 인용이야 연구자들에게는 일상적인 일이기에 특별한 일은 아니지만~

책의 음의 에너지 관련한 부분에서 제가 쓴 논문에 대한 인용과, 제가 만든 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 url을 알려주고 있습니다.

그런데, 책을 좀 더 살펴보다가, 맨 마지막 챕터에 다음의 내용이 있습니다.

Chapter 10

What Have We Learned?

We started with the social behavior in chimpanzee's communities in which, as experiments show, inventions are mostly achieved by individuals of low-rank status and thus usually do not spread within the community. Such studies aim at a better understanding of social behavior in humans by studying social interactions in the less-involved chimpanzee's communities. We see that as far as inventions or new discoveries are concerned, people are often not much better than monkeys, and sometimes, people are worse. Typically, a new out-of-the-box discovery is ignored, ridiculed or strongly opposed by the rest of the community. In the mildest case, such a discovery is ignored, and this happens if the discover is young and unknown; otherwise, the person usually faces ridicule and violent opposition.

In a scientific community, social behavior has additional components, which are nicely discussed in the book The Trouble with Physics by Lee Smolin [1]. Among others, Smolin analyzes indepth why, in the last at that time two or three (now four) decades, theoretical physics has not produced new results of fundamental significance. The current academic system does not encourage young scientists with their own research projects. A young theoretical physicist must join an existing major project to have a chance for a successful scientific career. That most young theoretical physicists join an existing research project is not bad in itself. A problem arises if nobody or very few individuals with their own ideas can start working in an academic institution.Smolin observes that there are two types of scientists, namely, seers and crafts people, and that science needs both: "Seersare good at asking genuinely novel but relevant question, [...], and have the ability to look at the state of a technical field and see a hidden assumption or a new avenue of research". Unfortunately, academic institutions do not embrace such creative rebels with this rare talent. Mostly, academic institutions exclude these individuals. Smolin observes that currently, there is a place only for "craftspeople" who usually master their discipline better than seers but have no genuinely new ideas of their own.A consequence is that fundamental theoretical physics is no longer advancing as it had been during the last two centuries when every twenty years or so, there was a major breakthrough discovery.


The impact factor has yet another damaging consequence. Many people read only the journals with high impact factors and ignore those with low impact factors. However, today, an important revolutionary paper is very likely to be rejected by renowned journals and eventually appear in a journal with a low impact factor. But since those journals have not many readers, such a paper will remain unnoticed for a long time1.Fortunately, we have also preprint servers, such as arXiv.But scientists outside academic institutions2cannot post their work there unless they obtain an endorsement from an established scientist. So nowadays a"new Einstein” has a really difficult time to be noticed at all. Of course, most would-be new Einsteins are cranks, but some of them, especially those with a university education in the field, might be right. Therefore, a good system should have a mechanism for identifying such persons, like a good detector must have the ability to detect rare particles and not just classify them as noise.

Hence, a big stumbling block against unification - of interactions on the one hand, and of gravity and quantum theory, on the other hand - is the way how physics research is organized. Therefore, a new insight reaching far out of the box cannot attract attention. Moreover, numerous persisting fixed conceptions cemented within physics community impenetrable obstacles against the progress. In this book, I describe some of those stumbling blocks.


1. Notice the parallel with the observation that inventions, since they are usually achieved by low-ranking individuals, do not spread within a chimpanzee community.

2. Recall that seers mostly cannot work in academic institutions.


을 인용한 것으로 보입니다

음의 질량 모델에 있어서, 저는 가장 많은 기여도를 가지고 있는 Seer 입니다.

역사적으로 음의 질량과 관련된 가장 중요한 3가지 문제인, 1) 진공의 불안정성 문제 2) Runaway motion problem 3) 음의 질량과 양의 질량으로 이루어진 바퀴 문제를 해결했고, 4) 창조 텐서 문제(Creation tensor problem) 등에 대한 해결책을 제시했습니다. 또한 5) 음의 질량이 척력적 중력효과에 의해서 우주의 가속 팽창 문제(암흑에너지, dark energy)를 설명하면서도, 음의 질량이 은하 구조 외부에 클러스터링 됨에 의해서 암흑물질(dark matter) 효과 또한 설명할 수 있는 모델을 최초로 제시했습니다. 6) 음의 질량이 왜 전자기적 상호작용을 하지 않는지에 대해서, 저는 다른 근원적인 물리법칙으로부터 이것을 유도, 설명하였습니다. 그리고, 이러한 특성은 암흑물질에 요구되는 특성이기도 합니다. 이 외에도 많은 연구 결과가 있지만, 음의 질량과 관련해서 학계에 오랫동안 존재했던 3가지 문제를 해결한 것만으로도, 이 분야에 있어서 가장 큰 기여도를 갖고 있다고 생각됩니다.

음의 질량이 설령 암흑에너지나 암흑물질의 본질이 아닐지라도, 음의 질량과 관련된 핵심적인 문제를 해결한 것만으로도 매우 가치 있는 기여입니다.


1. On Problems and Solutions of General Relativity 

(Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of General Relativity)


2. Is the State of Low Energy Stable Negative Energy Dark Energy and Dark Matter


3. Dark Matter is Negative Mass


4.Is the State of Low Energy Stable? Negative Mass, Dark Energy and Dark Matter - FQXi Essay Contest


5. Dark energy - Accelerating expansion of distant galaxy due to negative mass-1 



이 블로그의 인기 게시물

Colliding with Bullet Cluster-dark matter

Relations between radius of universe and dark energy

Dark matter and dark energy come from one origin!