2012의 게시물 표시

Space doesn't expand and New Proof of Hubble's Law

Space doesn't expand and New Proof of Hubble's law After the expansion of space was observed in the 1920s, physicists and astronomers introduced the concept of "space expands" into physics and many observations and research results were used based on this. However, we can't explain why space expands and why it has a specific velocity and is no observations of expansion of space. This study proves that the expansion of the universe and Hubble's law doesn't result from the expansion of space, but is a dynamical result from the movement of galaxies in space. We could confirm that Hubble's law was always valid when the effect of acceleration was smaller than initial velocity. Also, this shows that cosmological red shift comes out from the Doppler effect of light. Expansion of space was explained that it was related to red shift and scale factor. Therefore, it is influencing many areas of astronomy and cosmology. Therefore, if this discovery is true, all ...

Inflation, decelerating expansion, accelerating expansion, dark energy due to negative mass

Inflation, decelerating expansion, accelerating expansion due to negative mass We set up each model from the birth of universe to the present, and calculated GPE using computer simulation in each level. As a result, we could verify that “pair creation model of negative mass and positive mass” explains inflation of the early universe and decelerating expansion , and present accelerating expansion in time series. It can not simulate the whole process from the big bang to the present due to the limit of personal computer that the numbers of particles to be simulated is limited, but we can obviously examine the change. This simulation is showing incredible results. It not only explains the total energy of the universe, flatness, and the essence ( Zero energy, Pair creation of negative mass and positive mass ) of the process of birth of the universe, but it explains inflation, decelerating expansion in the early stage, accelerating expansion in the late stage, and dark matter thro...