7월, 2010의 게시물 표시

Dark matter and dark energy come from one origin!

Dark matter and dark energy come from one origin [ Dark matter ] Calculating centripetal force in galaxy from negative mass distributed out of galaxy fig11. caption : Revolution velocity of galaxy. The revolution velocity through the total quantity of matter that can be observed is A, while the actual observed value is B. We observed not positive mass but gravitation effect. That is, universe has not said that dark matter is positive mass . This study mentioned the effect of centripetal force described previously, and the effect of centripetal force of negative mass with the description of dark matter. The researcher suggests that it is possible to prove the existence of negative mass with the comparison between observed value and revolution velocity of star according to the distance in galaxy which is calculated from negative mass distributed out of galaxy. fig12. caption : Negative mass effect on arms of galaxy. The actual observed spiral galaxy is on the left. Since r...

Simulation video of the motion of negative mass and dark matter

Simulation video of the motion of negative mass or dark matter I make simulation video of the negative mass. Negative mass(energy) can explain the dark matter and dark energy. Motion of the negative mass or dark matter - 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlDl9w8ariI Motion of the negative mass or dark matter - 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zEq6vIZsFI It is explain that Almost uniformly distribution of the dark matter, Non-observation of the star and galaxy consists of dark matter, Dark matter clumping around galaxy, Rotation curve of the galaxy - Centripetal force effect, Low interaction between dark matter when collision occurs between dark matter, Collision of Bullet Cluster, Non-observation of dark matter at the Earth and Solar system (Xenon100, CDMSII...) Nonbaryonic dark matter condition, Observed value of the dark energy(10^(-47)GeV^4), Repulsive force needed for accelerating expansion, It is show that result of original field equation(cosmological constant Λ=0) of general rel...